Every other day I go into a panic that my daughter is not getting enough stimulation. I want to take her to every story time scheduled for the week, go to the park, listen to music that will fire genius neurons in her brain and do baby exercise. But I also have to do a little house work, I have to bathe, we both have to eat, go to the grocery store, pay the phone bill, and make dinner. OH MY GOD WHAT ABOUT THE LAUNDRY! So I compose a second by second schedule starting at 8am which includes everything from brushing my teeth to the baby Play and Learn that is going on at 3 that afternoon. I scurry around getting everything done then I scurry around getting everything ready to go to the park and then...she falls asleep. And I, again, go into a panic that my scheduling ability is wanting and that she is not getting enough stimulation. So when she wakes up, I sit in front of her and spasmodically try to sing one hundred different songs while teaching her to crawl and say Mama all at the same time that I am thinking that we should be at the park so that she can watch the other kids play but according to the schedule I have to start dinner in fifteen minutes! (She's still too small to really play with other kids). She sits across from me and stares.
I have exhausted myself. I collapse on the bed. Then, an incredible thing happens. She starts smiling and trying to pull herself up by my bent knee. Then she crawls up on my stomach and starts bouncing up and down. She flips around and, resting her head on my belly, starts playing with my bracelet. Gets herself up and completely entertains herself with the few toys scattered on the bed. Crawls over to the windowsill, pulls herself up. Crawls back to me, crawls all over me. Bats at my face. She's having a blast and I all I have to do is relax on the bed.
After about seven minuted of this, I suddenly get a burst of energy, shoot up in the bed and scoop her up. I fly her around, singing songs with enthusiasm instead of with desperation and rolling around with her on the floor. Then we sit and I clap my hands. Make clicking noises with my tongue. Whistle. She thinks all of this is fascinating. And I feel great.
Should I take her out sometimes? Yes, of course. It is really important to do things that are special and focused on her. But some days just don't allow for it, and I think that at this age a trip to the grocery store is just as interesting to her as a trip to the park. And story time can wait till next week. I can read to her at home today, and tomorrow I won't have to go to the grocery store and we can go to story time. Sometimes dinner can wait instead of the park but I don't have to feel guilty if I can't take her every single day. Right now, she doesn't know the difference. As long as I am giving her attention, I am not a bad parent if I don't take her to every kid event in the city. Everything we do is fun for her for the time being and I should enjoy that. And I don't have to jump around like a loon to make her laugh. All I have to do is be around. And the rest will come naturally.
August 26, 2008
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1 comment:
"What if my baby is bored?"
YOU'RE KILLIN' ME! Heeelarious! I freakin' loved this one. I laughed out loud and read it to my co-workers. They laughed too, but if they knew you it would be as hilarious as I thought it was.
Great reads!
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