October 8, 2008

The Wonderous Grocery Store Travels

The other day I went to three different stores and only bought some meat, avocados, and cheese. It was great. I left Ms. Foo at home with her dad and walked all over the neighborhood. I took my headphones, a big, baggy hooded sweatshirt and big sunglasses. I wanted to be incognito. I went to the health food store looking for this magic soap everyone is raving about. It was, of course, the price of a professional spa treatment. I did not buy it. I stopped at a vending table outside on the sidewalk and looked at the hand made earrings. I went to a tiny market looking for avocados but they were no good. I walked some more. Glanced at the out door thrift market. Wandered on down to the bakery where there was no bread for some reason so I bought none. Meandered back to the grocery store. Bought a few things. Chatted with the woman who bags groceries. She asked for the baby. I told her she was at home with her dad.
"That's great!" she said.
And it was. Not everyone is able to commit to a weekly class or group and for some of us, a part time job would only bring in enough money to pay for someone to watch the baby while we are at work. And, as I have mentioned before, some days you feel like pulling your hair out. But, you know what? I always have to go to the grocery store. And I have decided to go it alone, if I can. It can be a nice, long walk or drive. I am not far away if I have to rush home for some reason.
It cleared my head, I didn't spend money I didn't absolutely have to, and I didn't have one iota of guilt.

1 comment:

Andrea J. Serrano said...

Good for you! That's awesome!!! Yay!