November 7, 2008

Horror Stories

There is always something unexpected and it almost always has to do with poo (not pooh) so it's better to always be prepared.
Never assume you know the rhythm of your baby's intestines.
Never go anywhere without a diaper.
I promise you, even if you never have a poo situation out of the house, the day you decide to go for a quick trip without a diaper,
Take, for example, the case of the Two Size Tighty. Ms. Foo and I were off to the park for an hour or so of playing.
When I got there, I saw two friends and went and sat with them.
Now, I should have known better. Because it had been a few days since her know, but I said
"Oh, I'm just going to the park! I'm not taking anything!" and frolicked out of the house like a fool.
And then, it happened.
"Oh no!" I said to my friend with a baby the same age as Ms. Foo, "Can I borrow a diaper?" She looked at me with a strange look on her face.
"Uhhh," she said, "since I was just coming to the park for a half hour and Yvanna already, you know, so, I didn't bring anything!"
My other friend and I looked at each other. Her baby was only one month old. It was our only choice.
I changed Ms. Foo in her stroller and strapped on the tiny diaper. It was quite a sight. But it worked.
Then there is the story of The Roller
It is about a woman (who happens to be my aunt) who, before she had kids, told my mother that she absolutely WOULD NOT baby sit for her if it included taking care of a baby still in diapers.
At the time, my mother had my sister and I (5 and 3) and my brother, who was still in diapers.
There was some kind of emergency and my aunt was the only person available to baby sit.
"Don't worry!" said my mother, "he has already pooed today! He won't again! It's only for an hour, you won't have to change any dirty diapers! Please!"
Well, she agreed. And my brother decided to have diarrhea that day. Majorly.
And, to make matters worse, while my aunt had him on a bed, with his diaper open, my brother decided to roll and roll and roll and roll.
All over the bed.
My mother found my aunt in tears.
"Never again!" she cried, "Never again!"
So. The moral of these stories are,
Never assume and always be prepared.

1 comment:

Andrea J. Serrano said...