December 2, 2008

A long shot?

In the book The Power of Silence by Carlos Castaneda, the author is involved in a ten or 15 year apprenticeship with a Nagual Yaqui Indian from Northern Mexico. The Naguals practice different forms of sorcery.
On their travels, they come upon a cliff ledge which the author perceives as being desirable for its special levels of energy.
The Nagual, who's name is Don Juan, confirms the author's suspicions. He says that all animals, including humans can detect such spots in their surroundings. Most animals shy away from these spots but they have a different effect on humans.
The effect is that when passing through one of these spots, a person will become tired and be compelled to stop and rest at the exact spot of the emanating energy.
I found this very interesting as we do not usually equate feeling tired with being energized. Usually, when we are tired, we are either pushing ourselves to keep going, wondering why we are tired, or impatiently waiting for it to pass. Very few of us sit and rest without worrying about it.
But, what if being tired is a signal that our bodies are being infused with energy? What if, when we felt tired, we immediately sat down and closed our eyes and opened ourselves up to the flow of energy that is trying to enter our beings?
Obviously, most of us know that being tired is a signal that we need to re-energize but perhaps it is a signal that it is happening already.
Regardless of which it is, it is still important to re-organize our lives according to our tiredness. Of course there are instances due to illness or depression when the tiredness is a symptom or sign of distress, but in normal day-to-day life I think that we should just allow ourselves to be tired.
Just because you are tired today does not mean you will be tired tomorrow. Or maybe you need to be tired for a whole week. Sleep late if you have to (if you can), don't clean your bed room, let your laundry stay unfolded. And most importantly DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT IT. If you do, you won't really rest and will block your re-energising. And if this happens, you will stretch out your tired period and your energized period will never fully come about!
If you fully enjoy and respect your tired period, a period of acute energy will come through naturally. One day, maybe the next day or the next week, you will wake up and feel as if you could do one hundred things that day. And you actually might do it!
I know this because I have started living my life this way, or at least trying to. Some days I rise early, do all my house work before ten, take a walk, write like a maniac, prepare dinner before sunset, organize some cluttered drawer or closet, put new pictures up on the wall and wash all of Ms. Foo's toys.
And then some days I can't seem to open my eyes until...well, maybe I better not say. I can't seem to fathom preparing lunch for myself and tear into some leftover macaroni salad. I find a good movie on TV. I rest. I try not to feel guilty. It is a work in progress.
Most of us know how to do this. Whether the days are able to be random as they are for stay at home moms or whether they have to be on weekends or days off for people with outside jobs, we know how to say,
"I've worked hard. I deserve this". And we are couch potatoes for a day. But for many of us their is a little bitty scraping voice inside of us that says we are doing wrong. Try to get rid of that voice. Know that you could never be as productive as you are able to be without periods of straight, honest rest. Be happy in your laziness and that happiness will carry over into your productivity. Rest is as important as work. We have to learn to believe that.

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