September 10, 2008

The luxury of sleep

In the first few weeks of your baby's life, she most likely will want to eat every two hours if not more. This is true for all baby's because their stomach is so tiny that it fills up and empties out very fast. If your baby is drinking formula, you may have a little help with those midnight feedings but not much. If your baby is drinking breast milk, you aren't going to have help at all.
In the beginning, a feeling identical to anger may try to creep up on you at two in the morning, which you will try to ignore. How could you be angry with your precious baby?
The truth is, you are not angry with your baby. You are angry at the unknown for robbing you of the luxury of sleep you had for the last nine months. Especially after birth when you are introduced to a brand of tired that wasn't in any of the magazines. It seems unjust that you should have to fully wake up every two hours, feed a dribbling person, burp them for twenty minutes, change her wet diaper, and then listen as she poops loudly in the clean one. You feel like you are being treated cruelly. And behind that feeling is guilt for being angry.
The thing to remember is that EVERYONE feels this way right after they bring their baby home. Or, if you had her at home, after the midwife leaves and you are left alone with your baby for the first time.
Be assured that this feeling doesn't last forever. After you have properly mourned your deceased ability to sleep deeply, the best thing to do is resign yourself. Accept that you won't be getting any sleep at night. Abandon your pillow. Put a good book next to your bed or armchair (wherever you will be feeding the baby), pop your favorite movie into the DVD player, prepare some healthy snacks, and have yourself a little new mama slumber party. During the day, it is more likely someone will be around to help you so you can have a nice sized nap.
You will be more loving and calm if you don't think your baby is trying to turn you into a zombie. And soon, her stomach will grow and she will sleep longer and all will be well. Hang in there!

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