Yes she will. If you think it's bad when her bottom teeth come in, just wait until she gets her top teeth. You will really and truly think that she bit your nipple off. If it is dark and your milk has already let down, you will think you are bleeding everywhere. You want to let her latch on again but you keep pulling back, anticipating another chomp down.
Go ahead and yell, you will really want to and will alert your baby that something is wrong.
There are a lot of methods to remedy a nipple biting baby. One I've heard of is putting the hungry baby on the floor and letting her cry for ten minutes so she realizes the biting caused the leaving on the floor. However, I am not a big fan of letting kids "cry it out". Personally, I don't think a baby can make the connection after being left on the floor for ten minutes. They will just be upset and will have completely forgotten the biting.
I've noticed that when I yell, Ms. Foo looks up at me really surprised and she doesn't do it again that feeding. Every baby is different, but I have also seen that she only bites me when she is done feeding and just playing around or when I try to feed her when she is not hungry. So I try to make sure she is really hungry by putting her to my breast while it is still covered and seeing if she tries to find it with a lot of enthusiasm or just with mild interest.
She still bites me sometimes, but I believe it's getting better.
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