September 17, 2008

A Few New Things, don't get too excited

At eight and a half months old, Ms. Foo is doing all kinds of fun and funny stuff. She imitates her auntie who rests her head on her bent arm while lying on the couch, only Ms. Foo puts her fist to the side of her head then falls over.
She also plays a game with her grandma where she leans way over to one side then back up again over and over. It gets her grandma dizzy.
While she was playing on the floor, I said to her, "Who's outside?" and she started excitedly looking outside. These are major comprehensions for her!
She says Mama and looks at her dad when I say Papa. She can walk forward in her walker when she feels like it and she sits in front of the parrot's cage and speaks to him in a loud voice.
I love her, she is so cool.

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