September 11, 2008

Chest Pain

The first few days of breast feeding are painful. Very painful. Because your nipples are not used to being sucked on constantly, when your baby latches on you will feel an intense burning for a few seconds. Only for the first few seconds. And after about a week, it doesn't hurt anymore. If it does continue to hurt, or if it hurts all the time in the beginning, even after the baby has been latched on for a while, YOU HAVE TO TELL YOUR DOCTOR. The baby is not latching on correctly and your milk ducts could get plugged and infected. Don't let the doctor's tell you everything is fine. If you are feeling constant pain, or pain after a month of breast feeding, there is something wrong.
Another thing. In the beginning, your baby will basically want to live at your breast. She will want to be suckling even if she is not hungry. Let her. This is what helps to bring your milk down. And it is very comforting for her. She has been close to you for nine months. Keep her close. She'll wander off on her own when she figures out she can.
Don't think that your baby wants to suckle all the time because she is not getting enough, she is. Her stomach is very tiny. So she needs to eat constantly. You may feel like you have time for nothing else but feeding. It's true. Breast milk is also mostly water so she will get hungry faster. But, do not fret! Just like the back ache and the sleeplessness, this does not last. Don't give up! It's not forever! Soon, you won't even remember this time. You'll be too busy chasing her around!

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