September 26, 2008

When to ditch the bobo

I read somewhere that the best time to take a pacifier away from your baby is between 7 and 9 months because babies will not remember it, whereas an older child will and will ask and cry for it. I decided to try this for myself. I took her pacifier away at about 7 1/2 months and this is what I found.
The first night, after she fell asleep and I stopped breast feeding, she looked for it in her sleep so I continued breast feeding until she let go on her own.
After a night or two, she stopped looking for the pacifier, but she would not let go of the breast for a really long time. And I mean WOULD NOT let go.
This continued for about 3 weeks. Now, she is almost 9 months old and it's like the pacifier never was. I did have to go through a short time of breast feeding for a longer time than I was used to after she fell asleep, but there was no crying and the amount of times she wakes up at night has not changed.
So, it worked for me. One word of advice. THROW THE PACIFIER AWAY. Why? Because you'll miss your cute baby who sucked on a pacifier and that first night, she may look so sweet looking for it in her sleep, you may break and give it back.
Good Luck!


virginia koutroubas said...

Although I do not have children I think this is a great idea. It makes so much sense that the earlier you act the better. Thank you for sharing this useful knowledge!

Andrea J. Serrano said...

WHERE'S MY NYUM NYUM? Hee hee hee....

Lovin' the blogs....

Eva said...

That brings back so many memories. Robin and Raquel were attached big time! Earlier the better though, because you might be spending alot of time with the Orthodontist when she's older!