October 9, 2008

Barrel of Monkeys

I've found out the Ms. Foo, who is 9 months old, loves to play Barrel of Monkeys! Of all the colorful, blinking, flashing, singing, spinning toys we have bought her, this plain green barrel of monkeys has been her favorite.
I sit across from her and begin play alone, pulling apes out of the barrel, connecting them, putting them back in, starting again. Ms. Foo pulls them out, puts one half way in her mouth, clutches one in each hand, and bounces up and down. I just keep going, quietly singing a song that recites the names of our whole family as she pulls at the little green plastic chain, dumps over the barrel, grabs fistfuls of monkeys. She even tries to help me make the chain but has not developed the motor skills to connect them yet. She just touches the chain with the one she is holding and then looks at me a bit confused.
Of course, this has to be a supervised game because they could possibly be choked on if not watched carefully. But it's really fun! We have actually played this game for 30 MINUTES! That is a record. And it cost less than $3.

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