October 1, 2008


So, this is what I have been doing to keep my daughter's fever down
  • baths of lukewarm water and vinegar
  • medium thin slices of potato in her socks, underneath her feet and against her belly, tied in place with a bandanna. I tried putting them around her head, but she kept pulling the bandanna off. The potatoes help pull the fever out. You can tell it is working if the potatoes turn black. You can also pour vinegar on the potatoes before placing them on the body.
  • dipping receiving blankets in water and vinegar and wrapping her in them
  • putting cool wash clothes on her head
  • baby Motrin
  • the hospital! Her fever went up to 103.6 and we freaked. The doctor said to watch for vomiting or trouble breathing or a fever of 104. He also said if the fever doesn't go away in three days, to bring her back.
  • Not sleeping. She wouldn't cry when her fever would get really high. She would stay asleep. It's so scary! What if I had been sleeping? Don't think about it. Just stay up. Funny how you don't get tired. I watched a lot of movies.
  • Chamomile tea
  • Soothing
Her fever is still there. A nurse in the family told me that a fever below 104 is actually a good thing because it is fighting whatever is in the body trying to cause harm.

She also said that the most accurate temperature is taken rectally. If you do take it under the arm, you have to add one degree to the reading.
If she still has it tomorrow, it's back to the emergency room!
I'll keep you posted